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Optimised websites are designed to be search-engine friendly and to be easily found online. In order to rank well in search engines, an optimised site should have a fast load time and a logical structure that is easy for search engines to understand.


Websites are a great way to promote your business, but they’re not always easy to maintain. That’s why Macaroni Media make it easier with ongoing WordPress maintenance and support plans. Allowing you to focus on the day to day aspects of running your business.

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SEO audits are a vital tool to help you take your website to the next level. They can help you by analyzing and finding issues, and provide valuable tips to help boost your sites performance in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

wordpress maintenance

What is WordPress website maintenance? WordPress maintenance is a broad term that refers to a range of tasks used to

secure wp

If you are using WordPress for your website or are considering using it as the CMS, WordPress security issues should

Macaroni Media Freelance Website & Brand Design

Macaroni Media,
Avondale Road,
Aldershot, Hampshire,
GU11 3HQ